Brothers & Sisters,
As reported during the April 21st Union meeting, discussions with the company regarding the EV extension slowed during the last couple weeks of May. However, as we move into June, we anticipate discussions to pick up as we work towards a final resolve. Our approach continues to be multi-layered. Further to our talks with the company there has been ongoing dialogue with all levels of government as we continue to highlight the need to shorten the downtime and discuss the affects the extended downtime will have on our members, their families, and our communities.
The EV extension discussions although ongoing have led to the agreement to recanvass those that were eligible to retire with the 2023 negotiated incentive. This provided an additional forty members electing to retire, bringing the total amount of our members retiring with a negotiated incentive to two hundred and sixty-four production members and twenty-five skilled trade members. In addition to the incentive recanvass, we have had forty-nine production members put their name on the transfer list for Windsor. The company will be communicating details of the transfer to those members.
CERB Claw-Back
As our membership is aware, your Union has been advocating and negotiating a resolve for those members who received CERB and then were required to repay CERB for weeks that they would have otherwise qualified for EI. The specific weeks are , March 23, 2020, March 30, 2020, April 6, 2020 and August 24, 2020
During 2023 negotiations we bargained CERB claw-back language contingent upon verification of receiving CERB and subsequently having to pay back the CERB received for any of the four weeks identified. Through many meetings with both Ford Motor Company and Service Canada we have created a process for our members to confirm and receive validation of the required information from Service Canada. We also have an agreed process to submit the required information from Service Canada to Ford Motor Company for validation and processing of CERB claw-back for those that qualify.
Process to receive payment CERB claw-back
For members who received CERB and have had to repay CERB received for any or all of the following 4 weeks:
- Week Beginning Monday, March 23, 2020
- Week Beginning Monday, March 30, 2020,
- Week Beginning Monday, April 6, 2020, and
- Week Beginning Monday, August 24, 2020
The follow process needs to be completed to receive CERB claw-back.
Step 1 -Make appointment with your Committeeperson or Benefit Representative to complete the following.
- Sign an individual’s consent to disclosure form – Unifor Local 707 will submit this form to Service Canada
- Sign a conformation of CERB repayment for the above-mentioned weeks.
Step 2 – Receive form letter from Service Canada validating the weeks that you received and repaid CERB.
Step 3 – Make a follow up appointment with your Committeeperson or Benefit Representative to complete the following.
- Provide copy of form letter validating required information
- Complete CERB repayment worksheet with your representative
Once this process is completed the form letter and the work sheet will be submitted to the company for validation and approval for CERB claw-back repayment.
Important to note – CERB claw-back will only be generated for the four weeks identified.
The best way to make an appointment with your committeeperson or benefit representative is via email.
Contact information.
–Trim Department – Chris Simpson –
–Chassis Department – Roy De Matos –
–Paint/ MP&L/ Pre-Delivery Departments – Jason DelBuono
–Body Department – Keith Grist –
–Benefit Office – Paul Ivey –
Marc Brennan
Ford Council Vice Chairperson
OAC Plant Chairperson, Unifor Local 707

Office Phone # (905)845-2511 ext # 3350 | Company Cell # (289)681-7654 | Union Cell # (905)407-0475 Union Email: | Company Email: