Sisters & Brothers,
It has been an extremely busy start to 2024 in the Benefit Office with 3 layoff weeks in the past month (2023 PP52, 2024 PP3 & PP4), and retirement incentives being offered to members who are pension eligible.
Please be patient during this time, as I am returning your calls and/or emails.
Pension Estimates for Retirement Incentives
For members who were recently provided with a retirement incentive, Please DO NOT contact the Union Benefit Office to ask for a pension estimate. Due to the number of requests we are unable to accommodate, individual requests at this time.
If you are interested in the Retirement Incentive you just received, complete the Interest letter and submit to OAC Human Resources.
Afterwards a package will be prepared, with your pension estimate that will be distributed to you at the upcoming Pension Seminar on Saturday, February 24, 2024. Where along with your personalized pension estimate you will receive information about:
- Your Defined Benefit Ford Pension
- Legal Planning (Wills and Estates)
- Government Pensions (Service Canada presentation – CPP & OAS):
- Retirement Incentive Options, Retiree Benefits, and Next Steps
Which will allow you to make an informed decision about the retirement incentive offered.
If you are interested but do not wish to attend the Pension Seminar the Union Benefit Office will be able to meet with you after the Pension seminar has taken place.
Reference Code Expired on Thursday, January 25, 2024
For our members who were starting a new EI claim for PP3 or PP4 please note the Reference Code expired on Thursday, January 25, 2024. It is contingent on you to apply for those layoff weeks now without a Reference Code.
There will not be another Reference Code until the next layoff week occurs.
If your claim has expired after the PP4 layoff week. You do not start up another EI claim until we are laid off again.
PLEASE RESPOND to Service Canada Integrity Services Letters
If you have been received a Service Canada – Integrity Services letter it is imperative, you respond to this letter by the deadline provided. The Service Canada number for this integrity letter: 1-800-206-7218.
The Integrity Services 6-page letter is NOT A NOTICE OF DEBT. But you must respond to the letter to determine if a notice of debt will be required.
CERB Overpayment
The Local and the National are working with Service Canada to determine the protocols to show proof to the company of CERB overpayment for the weeks in 2020 (PP14, PP15, PP16, PP36). When it process is in place we will announce it here.
In Solidarity,

Tim Batke
Alternate Benefit Rep