Navigating the Road Ahead Rebuilding Canada’s Powerhouse Auto Sector

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Brothers & Sisters,

As I reported previously, since October 2021, I have been working with both National and Local leaders from the Auto and IPS (independent part sector) councils to create a comprehensive auto policy that we can use as a tool to help continue the resurgence of the auto industry in Canada.  This policy was released during the 2022 Constitutional Convention that was held in Toronto during the week of August 8th to 12th

The policy is made up of 5 core pillars.  This document will be used to lobby all levels of government to ensure that we capitalize on what was started during the 2020 negotiations.

  • Growing the domestic industry
  • Managing the transition to net zero
  • Enhancing the skills needed to succeed
  • Creating high quality, union jobs
  • Advancing equity and inclusion

I encourage, all our members to visit the website to review the policy.

It will give insight into how we believe a coordinated economic development will help shape and grow the transitioning Auto sector.

Marc Brennan Ford Council Vice Chairperson, Chassis Committeeperson