Unifor has issued a website to allow members to be kept up to date with regards to the upcoming Auto Talks 2020. Please feel free to click on the attached link to view.

Also included on this link:
Tentative timeline and important dates
Dates and timelines for bargaining remain uncertain, due to various government restrictions related to the COVID-19 crisis. As we confirm further dates for key meetings, we will share information with members. For now, the following are some notable dates to bookmark:
- June 29, 2020 – Unifor will serve each Company a formal “notice to bargain” letter
- August 12, 2020 – Formal opening of negotiations (Ford, FCA and GM)
- September 8, 2020 – Day after Labour Day. Traditionally this is the day Unifor announces the Company being selected to establish the pattern agreement. This Company is commonly referred to as the “strike target”
- September 21, 2020 – Expiration of current Collective Agreements
Bargaining preparations
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused municipal, provincial and federal governments and health authorities to enact certain restrictions and measures in an effort to contain the virus. This creates some challenges for the process of collective bargaining. At this stage, we are in continual dialogue with the Detroit 3 about the most appropriate manner to conduct negotiations. In addition, we are exploring various options for conducting required meetings (eg. strike and ratification votes) in a manner that complies with government and health authority mandates.
Local and National bargaining committees are continuing to compile and organize contract proposals for our August 12 opening.
Unifor National Research and Pension & Benefits departments are developing information and backgrounders (briefing notes) for Union negotiating committees. In addition, they will be reviewing and analysing a variety of data we requested from each Company in order for us to prepare for bargaining. There is a legal requirement for each Company to disclose non- proprietary information to the union in an effort to support meaningful discussions and good faith bargaining.
Finally, the National and Local unions plan to bring together our National and Local leadership to conduct our pre-bargaining Unifor Auto Industry Council meeting. Whether in person, or virtually (if we cannot conduct an “in person” meeting), it is our intent to hold this important meeting sometime before August 12. More information will be circulated to Locals over the coming weeks.
Members who have questions about any of the content on this site can email us at autotalks2020@unifor.org. All other collective bargaining questions should be first directed to your appropriate local union representative.
keep in mind that the information on this page is directly from the linked page at the top. The email address is to go to the autotalks2020 personnel at the National Union.
Local news will continue to be posted here on uniforlocal707.org
In solidarity,
Dave Millar
Unifor Local 707 Vice President