Unifor Halton Action Centre

Upcoming Events & Workshops

Unifor (Halton Action) Centre officially opened its doors on May 27th, 2024.

The Centre is a collaboration with the Ontario Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development and Unifor.

The Unifor Halton Action Centre is designed and dedicated to support members through the indefinite layoff period with a variety of resources.

By completing, a “Needs Assessment form” members can express their requirements, allowing Coordinators and peer helpers to guide and assist fellow members with:

  • Job search assistance
  • Networking opportunities
  • Job training access
  • One-on-one career counselling
  • Resume and interview preparation

Available Resources

The Action Centre is equipped with computers and Peer Helpers to assist members with:

  • My Service Canada registration
  • Job Banks
  • And many more resources

Workshops and Programs

Unifor is committed to serving its laid-off members at the Action Centre by offering workshops that include and not limited to:

  • Resume Building
  • Other Training- based on requests on members completed “Needs Assessments forms”

Visit our website regularly for postings on training opportunities.

Halton Action Centre Coordinators Contacts Information

Joe Oliveira Romesh Gentles
905-699-8366 416-737-6487
joe@haltonactioncentre.ca   romesh@haltonactioncentre.ca


475 North Service Rd East

Oakville, Ontario

L6H 1A5

*Entrance to Action Centre is located at East side of Union hall

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) 8:00 am to 4:00 pm


    • 211 Ontario – A helpline that easily connects people to social services, programs and community supports they need: https://211ontario.ca/

Local 707 and Local 1256 members

Please look for Unifor Halton Action Centre training opportunities and community events by coming back to this website- reviewing -Featured posts/ News and Events

Throughout the years, I have experienced and have been involved with many members during periods of indefinite lay offs. It was for me and will always be an extremely difficult experience for members and their families as they try to deal with reduced income and finances. Throughout these periods, I always found members were best served when they were informed, educated, provided with income supports and opportunities. Which can only truly happen when the broader community is involved. During this extended transition, the Halton Action Centre will be important step in providing resources and forming community.

-Mark Sciberras

President, Unifor Local 707


Ford Oakville workers are essential to the future of this plant, the Halton Region, and the province of Ontario. While we work with all parties towards a solution that shortens the retooling of the Ford Oakville plant, we will ensure that we’re here for our community and deploy urgently needed resources from the Local 707 union hall with coordinators and helpers who come directly from the shop floor.

-Marc Brennan

Ford Oakville Plant Chairperson, Unifor Local 707


With the funding provided by the Ontario Government, this action centre will also provide targeted assistance to workers in Ontario’s vital auto parts supply chain as well as Ford security workers. We will continue to make every effort to advocate for our members and make every resource available to workers and their families at this difficult time.

– Alice Kelly

President, Unifor Local 1256