Lay-off Resources & Information

July’s -Updated Message from the Local President
Lay-off Resources and Information

Your Local Union leadership recognizes the importance of having accurate information and resources available to the membership. Which is why we have designated this section of our site for Lay-off resources and information. 

Your National Union, Local and Ford Council are proud to announce we have been successful in lessening the duration of this extended retool period and were able to provide further income security supports to our membership. This has been a collective effort that involves you, our membership. That worked each day to ensure Oakville Assembly Complex’s future, with the production of quality, best in class vehicles. 

Throughout our retool period, this page will be updated with further accurate information as it becomes available, which will allow you to remain engaged and plan accordingly.

Contact & Resource Information during Retool Period

Income Security Information and Applications (EI/SUB/IMP)

Employment Insurance (EI)

Service Canada: 1-800- 206-7218 Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm

EI website for applications and filing reports – click here

EI Application

EI Reporting Guidelines

EI Information – Rights and Responsibilities

  • Service Canada – EI information – click here
  • Suitable Employment and Reasonable job Search – click here
  • While Receiving EI- Rights and Responsibilities – click here

Supplemental Unemployment Benefits (SUB) / Income Maintenance Benefit Plan (IMP)

Reimbursement for Employment Insurance Clawbacks

  • You may claim for Re-imbursement for any 2024 Employment Insurance Clawback after April 1, 2025. Re-imbursement for E.I. Clawback monies are not considered earnings; therefore, you do not claim these monies as earnings when you are doing your Service Canada Bi-weekly Employment Insurance reports.
  • NEW July 2024- Reimbursement for Employment Insurance Clawbacks will continue for duration of 2023 Collective Agreement

Health Care Insurance and Group Life and Disability Insurance Forms & Information

Green Shield Canada (GSC)

Phone: Toll free 1-888-711-1119
GSC Health Care forms
GSC Scholarship & Childcare applications and information

Canada Life – Sickness and Accident & Extended Disability Benefits

Contact: Trish Edgar
Telephone: 905-845-2511 Ext # 3357
Fax:  905-845-6827
S&A while on lay-off & returning to available work
S&A applications and Supplementary reports

Ford – Benefit Enrollment and Change forms.

Health Enrollment forms

Health Care Insurance and Group Life Disability Insurance

NEW July 2024 -Health Care, Group Life and Disability Insurance coverage -Contributions duration by company and coverage

Optional Life Insurance plan

Premium payments during Lay-off: Ford Optional Life Insurance premiums are deducted from SUB payments. If you are not in receipt of SUB payments, you may continue premium payments through a monthly pre-authorized debit (PAD) agreement for the maximum number of months entitled. If you require a PAD agreement, contact a Company Benefit Reps, who can provide and administer, accordingly.

Unifor Legal Services

Oakville Address:
Suite 406- 700 Dorval Drive
Oakville, ON L6K 3V3
Telephone: 905-842-3101
Toll Free: 1-800-465-9701

Unifor Legal Service Coverage will continue for any employee with at least 1-year seniority, however that eligibility ceases for any such Employee who has been continuously laid off for a period exceeding eighteen (18) months after the month in which such Employee’s layoff began.


Defined Benefit Plan- Credited Service

(For employees hired prior to November 7th, 2016, with a Hybrid or Defined benefit plan)

  • Pension credited service will continue in accordance with article 3 of the Pension plan text.

Retirement Incentives

*Reminder to members to keep your mailing information up to date with the company*

As the company will provide further information to employees who qualify (normal and regular early retirement) once the retirement Incentive canvass begins.

NEW -July 2024

  • A re-canvass of existing retirement eligible employees will be conducted, as per the terms of the 2023 retirement incentive program.
    Such employees who previously did not elect to retire will be re-canvassed once more prior to January 2025. If any of these employees decline to accept the retirement incentive, they will be ineligible for any future retirement canvasses during this period.
  • Commencing in January 2025, only employees who become retirement eligible on or after January 1, 2025, will be canvassed. Such employees will be canvassed once to determine their interest in accepting a retirement incentive.
  • The parties will meet to discuss the process for conducting the retirement canvass for newly eligible employees.

Note: When the retirement incentive canvass begins, it is the intent of the Local to have a Retirement Incentive Information Seminar at our Local Union Hall once again, for those eligible.

Defined Contributions

NEW July 2024- Company mandatory contributions to the DC pension plan (or CAAT plan if applicable) will continue throughout the re-tooling period or until September 20, 2026, whichever is sooner.

Employee Life and Health Trust

(For employees hired after September 24th , 2012)

Employee Health Life Trust- NEW July 8th, 2024 –Contributions

Community Services & Resources

Quickly and confidentially connects people to social, community, health and government services across the province and will help you find resources available in your area.

Dial 2-1-1
Call: 1-877-330-3213 or TTY 1-855-405-7446, Text: 2-1-1