RSI Awareness Day- WSIB and Joint H&S Committee Report

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International Repetitive Strain Injury Awareness Day, also known as RSI Awareness Day, is observed annually on the last day of February (February 28 in common years and February 29 in leap years). It was created to raise awareness of a rather common type of injury that nevertheless does not receive nearly enough attention. Industries with the highest number of RSI claims are, you guessed it, manufacturing, non-hospital healthcare and services (e.g. postal workers, cleaners & hairdressers.)

Repetitive strain injuries are soft-tissue injuries, also known as work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs), debilitating conditions that limit normal daily activities and cause persistent pain. The term covers a group of overuse injuries that affect the muscles, nerves and tendons of the neck, upper and lower back, shoulders, arms and hands. Some of the common WMSDs are carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, rotator cuff syndrome, and epicondylitis (tennis elbow). They are commonly caused by repetitive or forceful actions or working in an awkward position. Insufficient time to heal, heat or cold, vibration, pace of work or stress are risk factors that can also play a role.

Since 2015, RSI claims have made up roughly 30 per cent of all lost-time claims reported to the WSIB. But while RSIs have continued to be one of the top claim types reported to the WSIB, “they also contain some of the most preventative injuries,” according to WSIB.

Great sites to check out for information on Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI’s) are:

OHCOW.ON.CA – Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc.

WHSC.ON.CA – Workers Health & Safety Centre.

CCOHS.CA – Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety.


To raise awareness, it starts with a simple conversation, a webinar, and a reliable health and safety education program.

Heather Longer WSIB Representative

Kate Penkett WSIB Alt. Representative

Mike Augello WSIB Alt. Representative