Brothers & Sisters,
The recent uncertainty surrounding our trade agreement with the U.S. has been troubling for all of us, our families and Canadians across the country. Which is why, now more than ever, we must influence change, by using our income to support companies that invest and employ Canadian’s, producing Canadian products.
Whether it be at the grocery store, gas station, purchasing vehicles, services, or simple household items, it is important that we all make a conscious decision to invest in our individual and collective well being as a nation.
It’s a matter of pride when you are able to purchase and support Canadian made products. As it creates unspoken bonds between family, neighbours and friends, just as it did for me when my brother-in-law continued to proudly purchase our Oakville built Ford Edge multiple times. I knew by his actions, he was getting more than just a vehicle.
In this moment, we all need to be stand united and do our part to support each other and our Canadian economy.
To assist you with finding Canadian made or Canadian products, please visit these attached websites
In Solidarity and Proudly Canadian,

Mark Sciberras
Unifor Local 707, President