Important -Service Canada EI Update

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Brothers & Sisters,

There has been some issue with EI in regard to last day worked vs last day paid.

Some members have had trouble establishing a claim and are being asked to contact EI.

If you applied for EI benefits and listed your last day of work as the last day you were paid, and EI is claiming that there is a discrepancy between your last day worked and last day paid, then your claim may be put under review.

We have been actively working with Service Canada and our Payroll department to clarify and correct such issues.  We have found a resolve that should help.

Ford Payroll will work on having the ROEs amended to reflect the payments made by Ford after the last day worked.

In addition, Service Canada will be issuing an internal communication for Service Canada Officers (EI Agents), to ensure they are aware of the other monies being paid out after the last day of physical work.  This should allow the agents to establish claims and allow members to report. The Service Canada internal communication will be completed today, which should minimize disruptions for our members. 

However, Service Canada wanted us to remind our members that you can reach out to the call centre at 1-800-206-7218 to clarify information on claims, as there are currently no wait times.

When calling Service Canada to speak with an EI agent, explain that the Ford Motor Company is in the process of sending an amended ROE.

This new ROE will reflect the earnings between the last physical day worked and your last day of payment.  Explain that you  wish to start you claim from your last day paid and that there should be no EI payment from your last day worked to your last day paid.  As there will be no overpayment, they should be able to establish the claim and allow reporting.”

Agents will have the communication with explanation and should be able to proceed with your claim.

In Solidarity,

Paul Ivey

Unifor Local 707

Benefit Representative

Tim Batke

Unifor Local 707

Alternate Benefit Representative