SUB Payment Issues

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SUB Update

PP21 – Holiday / Partial SUB

The Union has identified an error in the calculation of the SUB payment for PP21.

This is the week of May 13-17, 2024.  If you were paid 8 hours holiday and a partial SUB, it is possible that the SUB amount paid to you was short.

We have had meetings with the company about this error to ensure that the Ford Motor Company will make the proper correction.

They are currently in process of fixing the issue and however have yet to provide timeline of when all payments will be corrected.

PP23 – No SUB

For anyone that was in receipt of Short Work Week for PP22, it is possible that the system had stopped the SUB application and SUB did not pay for PP23.

This means that you may not receive a SUB payment Thursday June 6, 2024 as expected.

The Union has identified this oversight and presented it to the company.

The Ford Motor Company is in process of making the correct adjustments and ensuring SUB applications are input for weeks moving forward.

If you had SWW last week and were not paid SUB, you should have the correction (2 SUB payments) next Thursday, June 13, 2024.

Paul Ivey
UNIFOR Local 707
Benefit Representative