Local 707 Bargaining Committee Report- July 31st 2023

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Brothers & Sisters


Your Local leadership is always open to the most appropriate and effective means of communication possible to inform and build solidarity.

Which is why our Local has a website and official Local 707 Facebook page; to communicate with our members effectively and appropriately with Leadership and Committee reports, information about temporary lay-offs, local events and issues.

We can now quickly communicate important information to the membership that could not be previously done through the Local 707 Reporter or Local leaflets.

Throughout our history, our Local has remained relevant because we have adapted and strengthen our resolve, which has been accomplished with communication amongst our membership.

To that end, we now need you.

During 2023 Bargaining, your Local Union is requesting the email and GID# or Master# of all Unifor Local 707- Ford Unit members. (not Retired)

This will ensure the Union can communicate with all Ford Unit members, regarding Ratification information and vote or to sign-up for Strike Duty (if necessary).

The link below, will allow you to provide information required to sign up.

Our objective is to have all Ford Unit members register with their personal email and GID# or Master# prior to August 11th , 2023.

Note: No action is required by any Unifor Local 707 Ford Unit -Retiree’s


Auto Talk Updates

As we approached 2023 bargaining, Unifor National and our Unifor Auto bargaining councils once again reviewed the appropriate needs of our members and how we could best communicate and inform our members throughout the bargaining process.

Through discission came the idea of providing bargaining updates, see the (6) Auto Talk updates thus far, that have been posted on our website.

These updates provide information about our Unifor Auto Policy, Facts and News about the Canadian Auto industry that are relevant for our members to know as we enter bargaining. To further communicate with our retirees we included the Local Retiree Chairpersons in our Auto Council, so they may inform our local retiree’s that they have a voice in 2023 bargaining. 

Local 707 Strike Mandate Vote

Our Local has determined that we will hold our Local 707 Strike vote in person at our Local Union Hall on Sunday August 27th 10:00 am. Members will have the opportunity to get further insight from our Local bargaining committee and the importance of providing a strong strike mandate for our collective success.

As a strong mandate provides strength to our bargaining committee and is important in providing our Unifor Ford Council with the opportunity to lead D3 bargaining once again.

Ratification Meeting and Vote

During 2020 bargaining, the only option to ratify a tentative agreement was via online meeting and an online vote.

In 2023, when we reviewed the data from the 2020 ratification meeting compared to other bargaining years, it was found that we had more participation than ever before and that just as many questions were asked.

With the high participation level and positive feedback provided by the members and leadership it was determined that, we would once again for 2023 have an online meeting and ratification vote.

Understanding every member has unique needs, we will once again have our Union Hall open during the online ratification meeting so members may view, ask questions online and vote with the assistance of Local 707 Executive board members. The Union Hall will also be open to our Retirees who may want to view the ratification meeting online and ask questions of the bargaining committee.

Local Bargaining

The Detroit Three Master Bargaining opens on August 10th as everyone has been made aware.  However, your Local Bargaining Committee opened Local negotiation during the week of July 24th.  Your Local Bargaining Committee has exchanged proposals with the company and is engaging in discussions at the bargaining table to improve and build on our Local language.  The proposals put forth to the company were the proposals past by our members at the February amendments meeting.  

Your Local Bargaining Committee will continue to update our members with relevant and factual information at the appropriate time.  Your continued support throughout the bargaining process is greatly appreciated.  

In Solidarity,

Your Local 707 Bargaining Committee  

Marc Brennan

Unifor Ford Council Vice Chairperson- OAC Plant Chairperson

Mark Sciberras

Unifor Local 707 President

Satnam Khatkar

OAC Skilled Trades Chairperson

Scott McColeman

#3 Shift Committeeperson

Roy De Matos

Chassis Committeeperson

Keith Grist

Body Committeeperson

Chris Simpson

Trim Committeeperson

Jason Del Buono

Paint/ MP&L/QC/IQ Commiteeperson