Brothers and Sisters,
Welcome back from a well-deserved Holiday break.

As we get back to business, I would like to inform the membership of the start date for the upcoming 100-day letter. As per the collective agreement the 100 day rebalance period will begin 10 working days after Job 1 is produced. The first 2023 model was completed on Dec 16 2022, therefore the rebalance will start on January 9th 2023 and end on April 18th 2023. During this time the company will be looking at reducing jobs and adding work to others. The company has an obligation to follow the correct process while reallocating work.
- Day shift is the lead shift for any job changes
- The operator receiving new work allocations must be given 24 hours’ (shift prior) notification.
- Operator must be given new updated OIS to review
- Operator is to get proper training on new elements of work
It is important to inform your supervisor of any and all concerns you have with your job. To help resolve job issues and to stop premature discipline we have the 10 Step procedure that was negotiated in 1976. You can find the language on page 13 of Exhibit B of our CBA.
Mike Longer
Unifor Local 707
Production Standards Committeeperson.
(905) 845-2511 Ext.3359