Unifor Women’s Skilled Trades & Technology Awareness Program- September 15-20th, 2024

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Sisters of Local 707 (in Production),

Are you interested in the Skilled Trades?

The bi-annual Unifor Women’s Skilled Trades and Technology Awareness Program will commence on:  

Sunday, September 15th, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.

and end on

Friday, September 20th, 2024, at noon,


the Unifor Family Education Centre in Port Elgin.


Space is limited and will be filled on a first come first served basis.

Note: Women from Local 707 who have previously taken this course in years past, are not eligible to participate in this program again.

Also Note: Child care will be offered at this time.

The program is aimed to:

  • Provide an understanding of new technologies and the impact these changes are having on the auto manufacturing sector;
  • Develop strategies to overcome the perceived barriers when pursuing an apprenticeship.
  • Build the union by raising awareness of our history with emphasis on the roles both the UAW/Unifor trades and women have had on our union, other Unifor women’s programs and, local union activities/campaigns.

To register, complete and sign the registration forms below (except for beige shaded area which is completed by the Local ) and email to vp1@uniforlocal707.ca or pass on to the Local 707 Union Hall prior to the July 26th Deadline.

Should you have any questions, please reach out to Vice President Dave Millar vp1@uniforlocal707.ca

In Solidarity,

Dave Millar

Vice-President Unifor Local 707

Mark Sciberras

President Unifor Local 707