Brothers and Sisters,
The women’s committee is asking you to donate feminine hygiene products at our general meeting on May 28th, 2023.
The United Way is holding a Period Promise campaign, for Feminine Hygiene Day and have asked for our help.
• Since 2019, more than 210,000 menstrual hygiene products have been collected by your United Way, and distributed to local agencies supporting those in need
• Your United Way’s donation partnership with the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board provided menstrual hygiene products to both elementary and secondary schools in high-need neighbourhoods in 2020
• Your United Way’s Period Promise Policy advocates for barrier-free access to period products in public washrooms, making a fundamental change in the fight to end
period poverty.

Menstruation products are a basic necessity. However, if you’re experiencing poverty or are vulnerable in other ways, access to tampons, pads, cups or menstrual underwear can be challenging.
Your United Way is committed to making it easier for everyone to access the menstrual products they need. Every donation raises awareness, reduces stigma, and tackles the vulnerability and isolation caused by period poverty.
In Solidarity
Unifor Local 707 Women’s Committee