Brothers & Sisters,
Since October 2024 we have held four EI/SUB Information seminars. To date, we have had over 1200 members attend to gain more information and knowledge regarding their claims and status of their claims.
As there is another large group of members who will be exhausting Employment Insurance Benefit Entitlements shortly, we are providing another educational EI/SUB Information Seminar on:
*Tuesday April 8th -10:00am to 12:00pm at our Local 707 Union Hall – 475 North Service Rd East, Oakville
Note: *You should not attend this seminar if you already attended one of our four EI/SUB Information Seminars in October, November or January. As we want to ensure every member that wants to attend one of these seminars are able to do so.
SUB Application Process- When action is and is not required by member/employee.
This EI/SUB Seminar, will help ensure you understand and are following the proper process.
- When and how to re-applying for Employment Insurance benefits
- Obtaining the necessary information from your My Service Canada account
- How to provide required documentation to the company
- Ensure you receive the appropriate SUB payments
In Solidarity,
Paul Ivey
Benefit Representative
Unifor Local 707
Tim Batke
Alternate Benefit Representative
Unifor Local 707
Mark Sciberras
Unifor Local 707