Service Canada- EI Information Seminar- Tuesday June 11th at Local Union Hall

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Brothers & Sisters,

Due to expressed interest, Service Canada will be providing a second EI information seminar for any Unifor Local 707 member (Leadec & Ford Units) affected by our retool lay-off, who were not able to attend the first seminar on May 14th. The seminar will take place on Tuesday, June 11th at our Local 707 Union Hall between 10 am & 12 noon.

The Service Canada presentation will include the following topics:

  • EI Application checklist (very brief for those who haven’t applied yet)
  • EI internet reporting – Out of Canada/ Declaring earnings and Vacation pay
  • How to open a My Service Canada Account
  • Availability to Work -claimant responsibilities & rights
  • Job Searching/ Job Banks
  • How to correct mistakes or errors in EI reporting
  • EI repayments- Overpayments & Underpayments
  • What is EI fraud-penalties & fines

To proceed with the EI information seminar, we require a minimum of 75 members to register and a maximum of 450 members can attend.

To register now, please click Here

If you are interested in participating in this EI information seminar you must register no later than midnight on Sunday June 9th 2024.

Note: This seminar is for Unifor Local 707 members only.

Mark Sciberras

Unifor Local 707, President