Brothers & Sisters,
Retool Period
The communication provided on November 17th by the Ford Motor Company narrowing down the start of the retool to late April was welcomed information. As reported at November Union meeting the In-Plant committee has started to meet with the company regarding the upcoming transition and retool period.
Retirement Incentives
Pursuant to the agreement reached during the latest round of negotiations potential candidates working in production that have met the eligibility criteria have been receiving retirement incentive interest letters this week. For those that are interested please ensure that you complete the attached forms and return to Human Resources by December 15th.
Tentatively Scheduled lay-offs
I have had ongoing discussions with the company regarding the plant schedule for the remainder of 2023 and for the start of 2024. Currently OAC is tentatively scheduled for the following down weeks, in 2023 the week of Dec 18th (pp52) and in 2024 the weeks of January 8th (pp3) and January 15th (pp4). As always, layoff weeks are subject to change. As is the practice at Oakville Assembly Complex the company will give official notification of the layoff week/weeks and those who are required to work during a layoff week will be notified by a member of management.
As we get closer to the layoff weeks the Unifor Local 707 benefit office will be requesting a reference code from service Canada and will communicate detailed information how to properly report to Employment Insurance.
In Solidarity,

Marc Brennan
Ford Council Vice Chairperson
OAC Plant Chairperson, Unifor Local 707

Office Phone # (905)845-2511 ext # 3350 | Company Cell # (289)681-7654 | Union Cell # (905)407-0475
Union Email: | Company Email: