Brothers and Sisters,
This morning the company announced that there will be a Temporary Lay-off at the Oakville Assembly Complex, commencing Monday May 9th 2022. They have indicated they will be informing our members with a robo-call, tonight.
For those that have to start a new Employment Insurance claim or need to re-open their existing claim (as you previously declared that you returned to work full time), our Union Benefit Rep Paul Ivey is in the process of attempting to obtain a new reference code from Service Canada. This reference code will be posted on our site sometime next week, allowing members to use when filing their Employment Insurance application.
For the very few members that are still able to report to Service Canada with their existing personal access code, continue to do so to claim for E.I benefits.
As usual, I will continue to update the membership with further information, as it becomes available.

In Solidarity,
Mark Sciberras
President, Unifor Local 707