Brothers & Sisters,
I would like to welcome everyone back after yet another week’s layoff. Year to date the membership has been faced with 19 weeks down time thus far.
Rebalance Period:
With the launch of the new model year the Company has indicated that it will be reducing one (1) job in Body Build. Although this can possibly change through the rebalance period.
Since this model change would be considered a carry over model change (current model) the Company will be allowed to do allocation changes and rebalances for a period of 100 calendar days, following 10 days after the first unit of the new model is produced.
If the Company intends to do allocation/ workload changes to your job. The Company must give prior days notice to the operator (both shifts) with the day shift being the lead shift, to start the changes.
The Company is required to do an ergonomic checklist prior to the allocation of new work. Operator Instructions Sheets (OIS) must be updated and reviewed with operators, prior to allocation/ work being done on new operation.
If you should feel after a reasonable attempt at doing the new work, working at a normal pace and following the prescribed method that you have an unfair workload notify your supervisor.
Your supervisor must follow steps one (1) and two (2) of the ten step (10) procedure.
Step One: Supervisor to review employee’s job performance and discuss any concerns that the employee may have, documenting concerns. Supervisor will make every reasonable attempt to address employee’s concerns, following up with employee.
Step Two: If job concerns continue (workload etc.) Supervisor will discuss concerns with employee and employee’s Union Steward to resolve employee’s concerns, following up with employee.
After following this process, if you believe that you still have an unfair workload you can place your job under dispute as outlined in our Collective Agreement, Article 30 Production Standards. Your Steward can give you guidance once, step two is completed.
Your job will be time studied by the Company which will be scrutinized by the Union Time Standards Committeeperson, in order to come to a resolution and establish a standard on the job, fair workload.
Seniority rights of an Oakville employee shall cease for any one of the following reasons: if the employee fails to report for duty for five (5) consecutive working days. For the purpose of this section 15.26 (c), “five (5) consecutive working days” shall not include Saturdays, Sundays and the holidays specified in section 25.01. (This clause shall not apply if the employee furnishes satisfactory reasons to the human resources department for such failure)
Should you need to miss time from work, please notify the Company. Using their A&L reporting system and seek medical advice / coverage on the same or following day of absence.
Company’s Vaccine Policy:
The Union has been working hard trying to resolve to our concerns as well those of our members with this policy. No one in our Union Leadership believes, that any of our members should lose their employment due to this policy.
As these talks continue, not to distract from these conversations I would advise all those who may have not reported their vaccine status to the Company yet, to do so upon return from layoff, the week of November 29th, 2021.
If you are fully vaccinated, you can report your status to the Medical Department. Which gives our members an option not to disclose personal medical information to Labour Relations or shared state side through the reporting portal.
Our members who may be vaccine hesitant, partially vaccinated, waiting to become vaccinated or undecided, they will be required to report through the Company’s portal.
Pat Carducci:
On October 2nd, 2021 we lost Brother Pat Carducci, who long served the membership. First being elected in the Ontario Truck Plant, Pat held many positions. Steward, Committeeperson, Plant Chairperson until the closure of the Truck Plant. He continued to serve the membership, after being elected Plant Chairperson for Oakville Assembly Complex. Afterwards Pat decided to not seek re-election and became a weld inspector in the Body Build department.
There are many fond memories for all those who had the pleasure to know Pat, with his quick wit and sense of humour. He always made time to lend a helping hand or support to those who sought advise or his help.
His greatest joy was his family, which he always spoke of fondly. He will be truly missed. God Bless brother Carducci.
Representation Changes:
I would like to personally thank Erwin Burggraf, for all his hard work and dedication shown towards the membership as Steward, B -Shift. He decided to take another path and continues to serve our members as OAC-GFPS Coordinator/ Overseer.
Lucky Sandal, was acclaimed to replaced Erwin and Gary Shedden was also acclaimed to Alternate Steward. I believe both will work equally as hard as Erwin did for our membership.
In closing, on behalf of all your Body Build Union Representatives, we would like to wish all our members, Merry Christmas, all the best to you and your families over the holidays.
Mike O’Shaughnessy, Joe Simpolous (Alternate), Ann Luyten, Tom Hill (Alternate), Peter Douliou, Rob Tassone (Alternate), Lucky Sandal and Gary Shedden (Alternate).
In Solidarity,