Brothers and Sisters,
Job ads will be posted in the plant on Tuesday May 18th until Thursday May 27th. There is a change to our regular Wednesday to Wednesday posting because of the Victoria Day long weekend falling in the middle of the regular job posting period. By adding a day on each end of the posting period, it will allow for the same amount of time for members to review and bid on the posted jobs.
In the very near future we will be rolling out the new job posting process negotiated during 2020 bargaining. Final details on the new modernized job posting procedure are being reviewed. Once we are confident that it is ready to be rolled out there will be additional information given to our membership, including a single point lesson on how to navigate the new system. The new system will not be in-place for the May 18th job postings, so we will maintain the process of bidding on jobs at the job ad stations currently in-place.
Marc Brennan
Ford Council Vice Chairperson
UNIFOR Local 707, Chassis Committeeperson
(905)845-2511 Ext. 3335