Brothers and Sisters,

December 6th is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women. The COVID19 pandemic has continuously challenged us to find alternative yet effective ways to acknowledge, support and participate. In the interest of safety, the following actions have been taken for our 2020 Observance.
White Ribbon Campaign 2020:
In lieu of physically handing out ribbons to the membership this year, a donation has been made to the White Ribbon organization – a Canadian registered charitable nonprofit. The negotiated funds typically allocated to purchase ribbons have been redirected to the organization itself to help support programming to engage men and boys in preventing gender based violence and in promoting gender equality and healthy masculinities (
Annual Candlelight Vigil:
Every year during the week of Dec. 6th a candlelight vigil is held at the Hall to remember the 14 women tragically killed at École Polytechnique in Montreal. This year the Women’s Committee has partnered with the Halton Region United Way to produce this video tribute, which is in memory of these women and countless others whose lives have been affected by gender based violence. This video will also be shown on TVs around the plant. We ask that you take a few minutes to watch the video and share with family and friends.
We remain hopeful, that in 2021 we will be able to reinstate our Local 707 Annual Candlelight Vigil, and share this important day of remembrance together.
In Solidarity,
Stacy Pooler – Employment Equity & Women’s Advocate
Kate Penkett – Women’s Committee Chair