Picket Duty Update Sunday September 2020
Sisters and Brothers,
We are just over 24 hours away from the expiration of our contract with the Ford Motor Company. As this deadline approaches, I would highly recommend that you continue to check this website for the most accurate and up to date information.
The draft picket duty assignments were posted last week and a final version will be posted tomorrow with some small changes that were necessary. Thank you for your patience as we work through this process.
The Picket assignment schedule will begin starting with the Tuesday Noon to 6 PM shift. The picket lines will be occupied for the first 12 hours as follows:
B Shift Leadership – Midnight to 6 AM – Joined by those members on B shift who were expected to join a picket between Midnight to Noon on Tuesday.
A Shift Leadership- 6 AM to NOON – Joined by those members on A shift who were expected to join a picket between Midnight to Noon on Tuesday.
When arriving at your assigned picket shift you will need to locate the Picket Captain and check in. Picket Captain’s will be wearing a white arm band.
Picket Captain’s will be the only members on the picket line who will speak to the police, fire department, the media and any person/vehicle attempting to cross the picket line.
Any member who is off work on S&A, WSIB or long-term disability please DO NOT report to a picket line. You would jeopardise your claims and you are ineligible for strike benefits/pay.
You will need to bring a mask or face covering to the picket line. We will provide cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer at each picket.
If you have a safety vest please bring it with to your picket duty.
Important information
The Strike and Defence fund policy can be found at this link: https://www.unifor.org/en/about-unifor/policies/strike-and-defence-fund-policy
The Right to Picket – Picketing Guide is attached to this document and should be reviewed. It has the email address and phone number you should connect with in case of emergency or if you are unable to report for your picket. Email: 2020strike707@gmail.com Phone: 905-844-1791