Brothers and Sisters
Plant Restart:
With the uncertainty and turmoil regarding Covid -19 our members were uneasy about returning to work and what this plant would look like with so many people working so closely together.
On Monday June 1, 2020 the B shift returned to their regularly scheduled afternoon shift without any major issues. Most of our members expressed that they were happy to see the changes that were implemented to help keep them as safe as possible, although most had the same concern, finding it difficult to get used to wearing the mask. This safety measure although not the most comfortable is an extremely important P.P.E. to help prevent the spread of the virus, over time I am sure that we will get used to wearing it. In a previous report I recognized the A shift for their great efforts, this week I thank the B shift and those who worked on the C shift to produce a quality product for our customers.
With the plant resuming full operations Monday June 8, 2020 it remains important for our members to remain patient and report any concerns that you might have to us, so that we can address them. John Mullin has informed me today that the Company has purchased anti- fog safety glasses which will enhance the safety of anyone driving.
Over the week of May 25, 2020 and June 1, 2020 several members brought forward concerns that were dealt with as expediently as possible, for any issues you may have if we can resolve them, we will.
The Ford Covid – 19 Play Book is a work in progress, many adjustments and improvements have been made to the Play Book over the past 8 to 10 weeks. People working at Ford around the Globe have made suggestions to enhance this process to help keep us safer.
If you have an idea or suggestion, you can contact your Supervisor, Steward, Committeeperson or e-mail your concerns/suggestions to me directly at the e-mail addresses below. Our In-Plant Committee and Safety representatives attend daily Covid-19 meetings with Ron Prahin and members of the OAC Operating Committee to discuss any issues/improvement ideas we have regarding practices and procedures that are put in place.
2020 Bargaining Preparation:
On Thursday June 4, 2020 and Friday June 5, 2020 our Bargaining Committee read through all our Local and Master amendments to prepare for 2020 Bargaining. It is extremely important that our entire membership understands that our Local and Master Bargaining Committees #1 priority to this membership is to secure a future for this plant. Without securing a new product and or platform we could negotiate the best contract in the world, but it would mean absolutely nothing if we don’t have product allocated to our plant.
You the membership elected us to represent you for 3 years and to bargain the best collective agreement we can during our term. With no product allocation for Oakville beyond 2023 our bargaining Committee must secure a viable product/platform to keep this plant open and prosperous for at least another 15 plus years.
As a Local and Master Bargaining Committee we ask that our members prepare to UNITE this round of bargaining, show support and solidarity to the Bargaining Committee as we enter 2020 Bargaining to secure the future for this Local. Don’t Vote before you hear what the Bargaining Committee brings back to us.
It is the hope/ intent of the Ford Council to be selected as the target and lead the Detroit 3 into 2020 Bargaining. With major changes since Covid – 19, hit the world, we are uncertain at this time what Bargaining will even look like, but we will keep you posted on any developments.
Social Media – Good and Bad:
Keep in mind that Social Media can be a great tool to keep people informed on current events as well as getting Bargaining information out easily to more members, but it is also easy to get sucked into the Key Board Worriers attacks and negativity, which we have all witnessed in the past. In most cases these attacks come from people who have no interest in our future, they are just people who have nothing better to do with their life and like to spread poison amongst our members.
When a person is elected to a job/position we are open to public opinion and criticism. I for one believe that everyone is entitled to have their own opinion and have the right to criticize. I try to take all criticisms constructively but there are many on Social Media that offer no opinions and offer no solutions, they just attack with negative comments. What we must keep in mind is that the people we are Bargaining with also read these comments and some have come to their own conclusions on how united Local 707 really is. My message to the Ford Motor Company is, these few people, do not speak on behalf of the silent majority of Local 707 members, their strength of Solidarity will be seen when called upon.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me:
office: 905-845-2511 ext. 3350
cell: 905-483-1475
Bob Scott
OAC Plant Chairperson