Brothers and Sisters:
Thank You! Local 707 members as we enter the difficult times and try to adjust to our new way of working our members have demonstrated the utmost professionalism
Monday May 25, 2020 the A shift returned to work to many changes, although our members were anxious to return to work many were apprehensive.
Covid – 19 has changed our way of life both at home and work. Many members have shared with me that some of the practices that have been implemented in the plant will be cared to their home live.
Our In-Plant Committee and Safety representatives continue daily meetings with the Plant Manager and his team to try and improve safety measures with in the plant.
As I have stated in previous reports any member who has suggestions/ideas to help improve our safety should bring them forward.
On Monday June 1, 2020 the B shift will return on their regularly scheduled afternoon shift and go through the same practices that the A shift went through on the week of May 25, 2020. Splitting the shifts, the way we did was another measure put in place to protect the health and safety of our members and their families. In manufacturing we are no strangers to change, but as we all know it takes some getting used to.
A couple of the major factors to try and flatten the Covid-19 curve are cleanliness and wearing of masks for personal protection. Ford has implemented a higher standard cleaning schedule for both Leadec and Ford employee. Daily overtime canvasses are being conducted under Appendix M for departmental cleaning as well as Leadec members increasing their cleaning schedule to help protect everyone working in this plant.
You may also notice that some members come to work and during the shift get sent home for medical reasons. When the company sends people home who shows symptoms related to Covid-19 there are procedures that they must follow. When the member has symptoms, the medical department is required to give the person instruction regarding Covid-19 protocol. The plant is required to clean the area that this person worked in, this does not mean the person has the virus, it is precautionary measures taken to protect us all.
I recently took a concern from a Skilled Trades members wife who was concerned that a lot of focus was on deep cleaning the plant for Production workers to return and not so much to protect or make her family a little bit safer. I would like to assure all members of Local 707 that our Leaderships focus was to help protect everyone who works in this facility regardless of who you are.
As stated in previous reports our Plant was shut down on March 20, 2020 due to the Covid -19 virus and on March 23, 2020 a deep cleaning was done in our plant. Leadec continued to maintain a regular cleaning schedule during the down time while product was not running. On the week of May 18, 2020, the plant conducted another deep cleaning to restart the plant for the A shift on May 25, 2020. On May 30 and 31, the plant will conduct another deep cleaning for the return of the B shift on June 1, 2020 and will continue to maintain higher cleaning standards.
All members who returned to work on May 25, 2020 received a care kit and the members who return on June 1, 2020 will also receive a care kit. The company will be providing packages of masks for our member to wear, these masks are mandatory and must be worn. Upon entering the plant, you will be required to wear your mask and have your temperature taken. All members will be given instructions on how the new process works, if you have any questions or concerns, contact us for help.
The plant will be providing a kit of 10 masks for the week to each member, these masks are for you to carry so that you have one to wear before entering the turnstiles. If you are on a job that requires additional masks due to frequent changing, just ask your supervisor for additional masks and they will be provided.
There are many new processes and protocols being put in place, some may have learning curves as we get used to them, be patient and let us know where we can improve.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me:
office: 905-845-2511 ext. 3350
cell: 905-483-1475
In Solidarity,
Bob Scott
OAC Plant Chairperson