Brothers and Sisters:
I hope that this update finds all our members healthy and well. I would like to thank all of the members that have reached out to me during this Pandemic with well wishes and encouragement.
As everyone is aware due to Covid-19 many rules and regulations have been put in place by all levels of government, Municipal, Provincial and Federal. Social Distancing, Stay Home, Stay Safety, many businesses closed and Ontario pretty much shut down. During this time our Local and National Union Leadership have been meeting endlessly with all levels of senior management make the safety of our members the #1 priority when our plant re-opens.
During this lay-off an over whelming amount of our members have contacted the Plant Chairpersons office and the President’s office expressing concerns regarding their personal safety as well as their financial stability. Members who have contacted me have made great suggestions regarding our safety, we have looked at each suggestion made and encourage you to bring forward any suggestions you may have upon returning. Thank you, Local 707 members.
Changing World:
Ford Motor Company has designed a play book with all of the safety protocols that have been put in place for plants around the world. Our Local Union has been meeting with the OAC -OPCOM to make sure that Fords Play Book meets all our demands to protect our members and their families.
Upon our return our members will see many changes that have been implemented in this plant. All of these changes are necessary to keep us all safe, these rules must be followed by everyone.
- Prior to entering the Plant everyone will be require to do a Covid-19 daily self- certification survey, (covid19survey.ford.com)
- Upon entry you will be required to do a temperature reading, if your temperature is to high you will not be permitted to work.
- Ford approved face masks will be mandatory upon entrance to the building
- A Health Care kit will be provided upon entry to all employees.
- Social distancing is required (6’) where social distancing is impossible, safety measures have been put in place. Example Trim Doorline, plastic weld curtains have been placed between jobs.
- P.E. must be worn, on some jobs which require tandem operators face masks and safety glasses or face shield will be required.
- Work areas will have sanitization stations set up.
- Picnic tables will have plexiglass dividers to assure social distancing.
- Changes to First Aid procedures and cleaning of First Aid.
Due to many mutual concerns regarding Covid-19 issues the Company has agreed to recall some of our members from indefinite lay-off.
Leadec will also be increasing their cleaning staff in OAC and has agreed to offer employment to some of our indefinite laid-off members.
During our discussions with Ford to restart our plant we also had many concerns regarding the amount of people in the building all at once getting used to the amount of changes being implemented. We all agreed that the Plant should have a safer start up.
- Monday, May 25th the A-Shift will report for their regular scheduled #2 (day shift), while the B-Shift will remain on lay-off.
- Monday June 1st, the B-Shift will report to their regular scheduled #3 (afternoon shift), while the A-Shift will be on lay-off.
- Begining the week of Monday June 8th, Both shifts will return to regular scheduled shift pattern.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me:
office: 905-845-2511 ext. 3350
cell: 905-483-1475
Bob Scott
OAC Plant Chairperson