Sisters and Brothers:
One week into the cancellation of the #1 shift in paint and things are a mess to say the least. As we suspected this decision by Ford Motor Company is certainly disrupting the day to day operations. Unfortunately, when the company makes decisions like this, it’s the membership that takes the brunt of grief. The company has begun canvassing members on open jobs lists whose previous classifications were affected by the shift cancellation. It is a very frustrating time for everyone, but rest assured your departmental stewards and the in-plant committee are making sure that the procedure is being done correctly in accordance with our collective agreement. Reduction language is very specific and the Union Reps in each department are making sure the company adheres to the agreement. We are meeting on a daily basis confirming such actions are taking place. I cannot stress enough if you have questions or concerns about how your job is being affected call your steward or ask to see your committee person this is a confusing time especially for our younger members.
We are continuing to have discussions with the company pending the upcoming layoff. The in-plant committee has been successful convincing the company the need to save certain jobs in certain areas of the plant, every job saved will reduce the number of members affected by the layoff. We are working with the company and will organize an Employment Insurance seminar to assist all members. The local is also in the process of organizing another pension seminar for those members thinking about retirement in the near future. Dates and times will be posted as soon as confirmed. As always I will try to keep you informed as much as possible as situations occur.
In Solidarity
Dave Thomas
President Unifor Local 707